Tag Archives: The Minnesota DFL Party

Get The Minnesota DFL Party hypocrisy and DECEIT OUT OF MN! (get-out-the-vote rally)

Get The Minnesota DFL Party hypocrisy and DECEIT OUT OF MN! (get-out-the-vote rally).

BCA won’t investigate police officers in Minneapolis cases | The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers (Association) COINCIDENTALLY(?) ENDORSE THE Minnesota DFL Party!

BCA won’t investigate police officers in Minneapolis cases | Star Tribune

This is a common bias in favor of the The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers (Association) WHO ALSO COINCIDENTALLY(?) ENDORSE  THE Minnesota DFL Party!

MN BCA another USELESS agency that failed my family and me!

Further info posted as comments at link~https://www.facebook.com/matheny.debra/media_set?set=a.681294198583574.1073741838.100001090014116&type=31958364_681294585250202_895040758_n 1898202_681294598583534_1588822574_n
I was referred to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension – Minnesota Department (Bemidji) by the ONLY ACTIVE OFFICER OF THE PEACE THAT HAS EVER HELPED ME, Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek.

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The Hennepin County Sheriff Office was very helpful and I appreciate that an investigator actually reviewed the packet of legal docs and material, referring my case to the MN MnDPS_BCA – Bureau of Criminal Apprehension who in turn DID NOTHING! Sheriff, Rich Stanek is the only Law Enforcement Officer I have respect for! THE ONLY ONE!

Copies of ALL these docs were sent to Swanson and Bakk as well as SEVERAL OTHERS including the MN. BCA! My document hard copies in my over 6″ thick file and are in my attorneys receipt along with a CD with photo’s, video and audio recordings.


The packet of docs. to support EVERY ALLEGATION CONCERNING THE ACUTE CORRUPTION THAT SATURATES ST. LOUIS COUNTY GOVERNMENT, JUDICIAL SYSTEM, PUBLIC SERVANTS, PRIVATE ATTORNEYS AND THEIR LAW FIRMS, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF PRIVATE SECTOR ACCOMPLICES!….additional St. Louis County Offices, State offices and Private Companies, racketeered influenced or coerced to be involved can be found on the list. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=164017326968246
The materials mailed to several~

Other (State & County) Agencies I sought HELP from. (Letter(s) to Amy Klobuchar/the late James Oberstar, not listed) http://wp.me/p3Z2yk-aT

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Suzzane Elwell Crime Victim Justice Unit, GUILTY OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE AND AID AND ABET FURTHER THIS CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE VICTIMIZING ME BY HER APATHETIC NEGLIGENCE TO ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT THE FACTS IMPLICATED AND INSTEAD SHE CHOSE TO MINIMIZE THE HEINOUS SHIT DONE TO MY DAD AND ME IN VIOLATION OF THE RICO ACT! CONCEALMENT OF A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE THAT SHE IS NOW A PARTY TO INCLUDING MURDER AND ATTEMPTED MURDER… THERE’S A LIL THING CALLED AFTER THE FACT, BITCH!Read more and see more letters to other Minnesota DFL Party Officials, Minnesota Ethic Boards, the MN BCA (Minnesota Bureaue of Crominal Apprehension) who I was referred to by Sheriff Stanek following one of his investigators reviewing the same material Suzanne Elwell reduced and minimized in her attempt to cover up these atrocious crimes!More~ https://www.facebook.com/matheny.debra/media_set?set=a.681318115247849.1073741839.100001090014116&type=1

AND NOW YEARS LATER AFTER THEY DESTROYED MY LIFE, RUINED ME FINANCIALLY AND MURDERED THE TWO PEOPLE I WAS CLOSEST TWO, ALL THE WHILE TAUNTING AND MAKING DAMN SURE I KNEW OF THE IMPENDING TRAGEDIES THROUGH DARK NEURO LINGUISTICS PROGRAMMING  Congressman Rick Nolan | Representing the 8th District of MN acknowledges and validates my concerns regarding some of the MOST ATROCIOUS TARGETING KNOWN TO MANKIND, UTILIZED TO TORTURE MY DAD IN HIS ELDER YEARS AND MY BELOVED DAUGHTER FROM THE TENDER AGE OF 10! BOTH TARGETED TO DEATH BY THE Minnesota DFL sponsored and concealed, criminal enterprise, an evil cabal of organized gang stalkers from all walks of life, operating coast to coast in what I believe to be one of the nations largest organized crime rings, a MASSIVE MINNESOTAN RICO!


Read my letter to Congress here~ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=839697686076557&set=a.110355489010784.5017.100001090014116&type=1&theater


Get-Out-The-Vote Rally and get the Minnesota #DFL Party Criminal Enterprise, OUT OF MINNESOTA LEADERSHIP!

16b9d08d91a6a1697105ae4d39f8352bPredator public servants, politicians, government offices, Minnesota state agencies, and the MN DFL hypocrisy. Read more about the FACTS here~

Read more here~ https://www.facebook.com/DebMatheny/photos/a.1409468832614622.1073741828.1408900339338138/1441603516067820/?type=1&permPage=1