Tag Archives: Elite

Exposing Pedophiles & Rescuing Children

Exposing Pedophiles & Rescuing Children

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Veterans For Child Rescue (V4CR) was formed specifically to EXPOSE that which has been covered up and suppressed – the dark and disgusting world of pedophile trafficking rings.

These rings often include members from every level of our society and involve unthinkable trauma inflicted upon innocent babies and children – the soul of our nation.

This abuse must first be brought to light before it can be cleaned up. V4CR was created to shine that light! We will expose this crisis through joint operations with law enforcement and sharing the truth in an unflinching television documentary-series for the world to see.

OBJECTIVE: Through this, we hope to force stronger punitive legislation and create a non-permissive public environment to help reverse this life-shattering trend of abuse. 

Please see our website for more details:www.vets4childrescue.org

We thank you for your support.